My folks sure take their sweet time, huh! Today, they took me to the park, then we went to this place where there was a fake forest of trees. The only thing that tasted good were the wood chips all over the ground. I couldn't help but eat them - fiber, you know. They lugged one of the trees from the pretend woods home and then (you won't believe this!) they hammered and hemmed and hawed and finally brought that tree into my house!!! THEN, as if that weren't enough, they practically set fire to it with all those lights and stuff. It looks like they took a bunch of shiny stuff and threw it at that poor tree. I went to sleep. They tried to wake me up - by now I know it's for a picture with that awful flash in my eyes - but I knew better. I was trying to sleep off a busy day, but SHE had to come in and take a picture of me sleeping. Can you imagine that? Wow.
Hi Sam!
I love that picture of you in the car looking over the seat! You have beautiful eyes!
How do you keep your stuffies so nice? Mine tend to explode!
Your Christmas tree is very nice. I hope that you have visited Santa Paws this year!
Hi Addie! Thanks for the compliments! Apparently, I'm going to have a meeting with Santa Paws today, but I don't know how I'll like it - It's inside and frankly, I LIKE OUTSIDE!!!! And my porcupine is pretty new. Any stuffies that are in tact are probably about 2 weeks old. Then I like to take the insides out and spread them all over the place. Just my nature! Check out my Santa pix later, if Mom has time! Bye!
Oooh, I bet you had fun at the park! Your tree is nice & you're cute! Mommy said you have loverly fur...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Samantha! That's such a cute picture of you in the car. The award looks great on your blog - sorry the rules were confusing. If you go to Paco & Milo's blog, you'll see how it's supposed to be done, with links to all the blogs - I just didn't know how to do them. But don't worry - it's all for fun, and anything you do is fine.
See ya!
Hi Samantha!
Thanks to come my blog.I was born on August in 2006.You too?
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